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Author. Editor. Copywriter
Jun 30, 20225 min read
Writing Craft: 5 Elements of a Good Story
A good story doesn't just happen. It's purposefully crafted with the aid of certain elements. In this post, I discuss those elements.
May 17, 20226 min read
How To: Write a Good Plot Twist (Chekhov's Gun & Red Herrings)
A good plot twist is an unexpected turn in a story. When well placed, it is one of the greatest and most satisfying reader experiences.
Apr 22, 20226 min read
Talent vs. Discipline: What's More Important for a Writer?
Success in writing is most often determined by a person’s level of discipline, not their talent. Here's why.
Apr 7, 20226 min read
How To: Choose an Inciting Incident to Start a Novel
An inciting incident is the quickest way to grab a reader's attention from the very beginning. This post will show you how to write one.
Apr 5, 20227 min read
How To: Write a Solid, Plot-driven Story Outline
All the greatest, most flowery writing in the world won't save a bad plot. But what is plot exactly? Read this post to find out.
Mar 29, 20226 min read
How To: Write a Well Paced Story
The pace of a story determines how quickly or slowly the action unfolds within the story. Read this post to learn how to get it just right.
Mar 17, 20226 min read
How To: Create an Amazing Book Cover that Sells!
We all judge books by their cover. We can't help it. So, having a great cover is critical. In this post I'll show you how to design one.
Mar 13, 20226 min read
What does it mean to 'Show Don't Tell'?
'Show, don't tell' is generally accepted as great writing advice, but what exactly does it mean? This post will discuss exactly that.
Mar 10, 20227 min read
How to: Write Believable Characters
Tired of writing characters that fall flat or that just don't seem real? This guide will show you how to develop 3-dimensional characters!
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