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Are Things Falling Apart to Make Space for Your Manifestation?

Writer: NoniNoni

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

The answer is- it may very well be. The destructive aspect of manifestation is an interesting concept that I wanted to explore today. Typically we think of manifestation as a creative process, because it is, but that's not the full picture. Creation and destruction are two sides of the same coin, and in this duality-based reality, they are both necessary.

This post is focused on understanding the destructive side of the manifestation process so that we may come to appreciate and even get as excited about it as much as the creative side.

Conceptually, I think this is easy to understand. Envision your life as a cup, and your manifestation as the contents of that cup. Your cup is full of your current reality, a reality you likely want to change.

In order for the new contents i.e. your manifestation to enter your life, you first have to pour out what's already in your cup.

You have to create space for the new. This process, when it plays out in real life often feels like destruction because we lack the vantage point to see the full picture. However, from the point of view of the universe, it's just admin. It is simply a step in delivering to you what it is that you've asked for.

How Does The Universe See Things ‘Falling Apart’ Before Your Manifestation Arrives?

The reason that it often feels like destruction, is that it can feel sudden. This is just the universe being efficient- which is a great thing if you can remember not to panic.

Imagine you're manifesting a new car. Not a second car, but a new one. In your head, you can see your old car being replaced by the shiny new one that is just to your liking. The trouble is, most of us don't go as far as imagining the old car going away. But, your old car has to go to fulfill your desire.

The universe doesn't see things as 'good' or 'bad' as we do. It simply sees this car (at this vibration) or that car (at a new, higher vibration).

As your manifestation unfolds, the most efficient way to get rid of your old car could be to have it stolen. You walk outside one day and your car is just gone. From your viewpoint, this is chaos. It's terrible, and it is- getting anything of yours stolen is not a fun experience.

But try to see it from the universe's point of view. It simply thinks- now she's ready for her new car. The old is gone and now there is space for the new.

The Universe is Not Testing You

People sometimes think this is the universe testing them. I don't believe that. The universe has no need to test you. What would it benefit from that? The universe is simply reflecting to you all that you believe and bringing to you all that you ask for (and believe).

You are not a victim, you are a creator.

Taking ownership of your manifestations, especially when they feel negative, will empower you to navigate that period faster. Maintain a positive outlook and attitude and trust that this is happening for you.

Make a habit of asking yourself, 'What am I calling in that this has to fall away?'

This will remind you that you are co-creating with the universe, that you are not a victim. Then let the parts that fall away go with grace. Keep your focus on what's coming, and keep your vibration high, in positive anticipation.

I know it can be difficult to see things this way just as some unpleasant things are happening in your life, but this shift in perspective will make all the difference. Ask yourself, is this experience helping me to prepare for the reality I'm creating?

If you've been manifesting an amazing new job, don't be surprised if you suddenly get fired from your old job or if the work environment suddenly gets so awful that you have to quit.

Take it as a sign that your internal environment has shifted so much that it's now being reflected in your external environment.

Surrender to the universe and trust the process. The mantras 'all things work together for my greatest good' or simply 'things are always working out for me' are good ones to use during this time. The universe has it all under control, and this is when your faith is most necessary.

Remember, after the breakdown comes the breakthrough.

These periods will not always be drastic, and as you get better at manifesting, you'll learn to notice the signs earlier on when the universe tells you that something is no longer for you.

We often ignore the gentle nudges until the universe has no choice but to beat us with a stick. Often this stage of the manifestation process feels so chaotic because we cling to the current reality longer than we should.

Even though we're calling in the new, we're afraid to be in that in-between stage, the void where it feels like nothing happens. In reality, the void is where the magic happens. The void is your friend.

Look to Nature for the Destructive Manifestation Aspect at Play

Think of the butterfly. Think of the darkness that envelopes it as it waits patiently in its chrysalis. The caterpillar is not afraid or anxious. It simply surrenders to the forces of nature as it takes on one of the most drastic and beautiful transformations in all of the natural world.

Inside the chrysalis, a caterpillar's body digests itself from the inside out. The old falls completely away as new butterfly cells form. Then, once it's fully a butterfly, it has to break out of the cocoon that provided safety for the transformation to take place. It has outgrown its environment.

There is so much wisdom to be derived from observing the butterfly. Our goal should be to go through our own transitions with the same grace and acceptance. Because on the other side there is such beauty.

Embrace the chaos. Embrace the void. Revel in the beauty.

Happy Manifesting,



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