When I first heard this I thought: No, it's the thing-it's definitely the thing that I want. I am 100% sure that I want the thing.
I want it so badly that I can feel it, touch it, and taste it in my mind...and I'm dying to feel it, touch it, and taste it in real life. I want it in front of me and that is the entire reason I'm doing any of this Law Of Attraction (LOA) stuff in the first place.
If this is how you currently feel, I get it. I've been there. And now I'm here, I've somehow managed to cross over to making that shift from 'what I really want is the manifestation' to 'what I really want is the feeling of it and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the manifestation is coming (but it doesn't really matter much anyway)'.
How can it "not matter anyway" I hear you ask, and the answer is simple though strange. Understanding the answer is how you make the shift, it's the piece that clicks it all into place.
Here's how I did it.
How Can The Manifestation Not Matter?
So back to the question. If the point of manifestation is to bring forth the things you want with joy and ease, how can the missing piece be for you to not care about actually bringing those things into your experience?
The answer is that it's all about the feeling of it. It's all about the feeling of whatever you want to manifest.
Everything that you want, regardless of what it is, is because you think you will feel better once you have it.
Test it out, imagine the thing you most desire- let's say for argument's sake that it's a brand new car. You know the exact model and make, you've even picked out the color- great. Now, imagine that you're sitting in this exact car and take note of how this feels, how it changes how you feel. More likely than not, once you really let yourself imagine being in the car (feeling the leather and inhaling that new car smell etc.), you start to feel really good.
You feel cooler, richer, more successful, perhaps you feel more sophisticated. It's impossible to know what exact emotional need such a desire would aim to fulfill for you, but in every case, it's better than what you felt like before you imagined having the car. You want the car to make you feel good.
Better yet, you want to feel good and you believe the car will do it. This is a better way to say it because it encapsulates the driving force behind all of manifestation. Swap out 'car' for whatever else you want: a new lover; a new job; more money; to live in Paris- and the basis remains the same. You want any one of these things because you believe that once you have/ do them, you will then be happy, or you'll feel better.
If this is the case, then you could simply choose to feel better now and the outcome will be the same as if you'd already had the manifestation.
You can just choose to feel happier, skinnier, healthier, richer, or more loved right now. By so doing, you then start to understand that when the manifestation does actually appear, from your experience- nothing would have changed because you already felt like you had it. If you spend some time feeling how wonderful it will be when you have your new car daily, you begin to match the vibration of having that car.
The LOA states 'that which is like unto itself, is drawn.'
This means that if you can hold this vibration for long enough, the universe has no choice but to bring to you all that matches it. This means that at some point, you will actually have this new car- provided you have no resistance against it. When you get the car, it will feel to you like absolutely nothing has changed because you have practiced the feeling of having it already for so long.
So because nothing changes for you in the way that you feel, you suddenly realize that in as much as the real-life manifestations are fun and exciting (of course), they don't actually matter.
Manifestations are a byproduct of your feeling state.
If you want more money and can feel like you have it right now, you have in essence achieved instant manifestation. Understanding this will allow you to live out your best life now. You can live as the best version of yourself today. You don't have to defer your happiness until 'X' happens.
This is the shift, this is the piece that allows you to enjoy every moment of your life. You'll enjoy every manifestation when it happens, certainly, but also all the time on the way to it.
This shift allows you to enjoy the journey. Not because you know that at the end of it is the thing you want, but because it all feels really good to you.
This also makes the process of manifesting easier. If the only reason you want to manifest anything is to feel good, then if you feel good right now you will be a match for all the things you want and that you've asked for. All you have to do is feel good. Get happy and have fun.
I think that sometimes, the process of manifestation can start to feel complicated and like work:
did you spend enough time visualizing being in the new house you want
did you visualize your partner's hand?
did you script about the new job?
Understanding that the key objective behind any of the specific things you want is to simply feel happy, makes it easy to focus on what your part of the equation is.
Get Happy.
Get happy and the universe will give you experiences to match your vibration- and it already knows what you want so those experiences will be tailored to you. I also like this because it's easy to monitor- you know when you're not happy. So you can quickly identify when you're off track and fix it. If the conversation/ song/ tv program doesn't feel good to you- change it for something that does. It can really be that simple.
Take active control of your emotional state and see how quickly everything changes.
Feel good.