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How To: Make Peace With Your Current Reality As You Manifest

Writer: NoniNoni

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

Manifesting as a concept seems to be something we think of as out there, probably because for most of us, it's centered around things we want. So things we don't have right now. This creates a space between us and our desire, so naturally, we extend that space to cover the entire process of manifestation. However, manifestation is what we do all day, every day. Realizing this, and accepting the reality we've created up to this point will help us understand the full manifestation power we each possess and help us to direct all of it in the direction of the reality we do want.

We are Always Manifesting

If you believe in manifestation, that is the ability to actively shape your reality with your thoughts, emotions, and general 'vibes'- then you have to believe it all the time. If you believe in the Law of Attraction and/or the Law of Assumption, then you have to accept that they are at play all the time, not just when your life looks the way you it to or when the outcomes are favorable.

A fundamental part of manifestation is the total acceptance of our role as the creator of our reality. This can be hard if your life is not what you want it to be. But there are no exceptions. This acceptance allows you to review your life circumstances through a critical lens, and although it might seem overwhelming and accusatory at first, it is actually empowering. Only by accepting that you're in charge of your life, can you accept that only you can change your life. The two go hand in hand.

You can start to ask empowering questions like, 'If I am creating my reality through my thoughts and beliefs, what am I believing about myself and others to create this reality?'

Related: Manifestation: It's not the thing you want, it's the feeling of it

Think of the law of gravity, we don't believe in that only when we want to fall or go down a slide. We know and accept that it's ever-present, even when we want to climb upstairs. All we do is apply the necessary effort to overcome it and move up, step by step. It's helpful to think of the Law of Attraction the same way. If the outcome isn't what you want, don't discredit the law, adjust your efforts.

How to Make Peace with your Current Reality

This is an exercise in giving yourself grace. It's as simple as saying, 'I didn't know what I didn't know, and that's okay.' This sentence lets you off the hook so you don't have to spend endless time going over loops of 'what did I do to make X happen?' in your head. Instead, you accept what is, and turn all your attention forward. Because the present is set, but you can (and do) still affect the future.

Take ownership of Your Thoughts and Feelings

Taking ownership of your manifestations starts with accepting that your thoughts and emotions create. So, taking control of your thoughts and emotions is how you take control of your manifestations. Many of us start off thinking that our emotions are reactions to external circumstances that are outside of our control. If someone cuts us off in traffic, we get angry and that feels natural. The truth is we define what 'natural' is. We always have a choice in how to feel. Nobody outside of yourself can make you feel anything without your cooperation. Reacting with anger when someone cuts you off is a choice. You can just as easily react with a calm indifference or even humor. Reactions can be trained, and just accepting that as an option, and better yet, a fact, will do wonders for shifting how you view your own reactions and those of others.

Next time something happens, regardless of what it is, just ask yourself, 'How do I choose to feel and react?'

This will help center you back into your power. Your power to choose how you utilize your emotions. Even outside of manifestation, pausing to ask this question whenever a situation arises will give you greater control over yourself. This is a great trait to cultivate for regular everyday life. You know those people that are just always calm and at ease? Don't you just like being in their presence- especially in a crisis? Now think of people that get easily overwhelmed and flustered, or who lose control and start yelling if anything happens in a way they didn't anticipate. Often the way they react to a situation can make it worse and you tend to want to avoid them if you can.

Your emotions are under your jurisdiction. You control them, not the other way around. With practice, this get's easier.

Match your Emotions with the Reality you Want

Now that you know how to control your emotions, it's time to make them work for you. The fundamental principle of the Law of Attraction is that when your vibration matches that of your desire, that's when you attract it into your life. The law of Assumption takes it a step further to say that when you embody the person that you will be when your desire is fulfilled, then it will be so. While I won't explore the differences in this post, I'd like to point out that these two laws are similar, yet there is a difference. Still, they both seem to tell us that the secret to materializing your desires is matching the feeling state of what it would be like if you were to already have said desire.

Let's look at an example:

Let's say you want to be a successful actor, then you want to sit and imagine as vividly as possible can just what your life would be like if this were already true. How would it feel to be a successful actor? If you are not yet one, then it would probably feel opposite to how you feel now. So you can test to see if you've successfully entered the feeling state of your desire (which is the goal) by checking to see if you feel opposite to how you normally feel about your desire.

Let's explore this further:

When you are desiring to be a successful actor, you would probably feel:

A sense of longing to be an actor; jealousy toward people who are successful actors; annoyance at your current job; a feeling of inadequacy; you may worry or have some anxiety about money.

When you successfully feel yourself to be a successful actor, you would probably feel:

Satisfied with your current standing in life; at peace about acting jobs as you know you have your pick of the best available; sure of yourself, confident; financially secure.

As you can see, the two people I've described above are fundamentally different. The you that desires something is completely different from the you that has that thing. That's why there's a gap between these two realities. To manifest, you have to match the feeling state of the you who has the thing, even though you don't yet.

It's not about Affirmations, it's about Feeling

You can affirm 'I am a successful actor' all day until you're blue in the face, but if you still feel like the version of you who wants to be a successful actor (which means you aren't yet), that will not become your reality. You have to feel like the version of you that is the successful actor; sure, confident, and satisfied. Then, your desired reality will manifest.

Practice Daily

Take the time to feel into the reality that you want. Train that vibration to be your default. Use your imagination and be so familiar with what having your desire will feel like that you can instantly feel it when you move away from that feeling. Then reset as many times as you need to. Remember, practice makes perfect. If you find yourself feeling anxious, frustrated, or dissatisfied, this is a clear sign that you're not in alignment with your desire. Were you in alignment, you'd feel the satisfaction of having your desire and you would be at ease. So, being emotionally aware is important so you can course-correct quickly and effectively.

Related: Momentum in Manifesting


Manifesting can start to feel like this thing that happens out there when nothing could be further from the truth. Manifesting is what we do all day, every day. It's just that most of us do it unawares. We fall victim to our own thoughts and emotions- which are our manifestation tools-and start to feel like what we manifest is beyond our control. This is also not true and taking ownership of the reality we've created is the first step on the journey to shaping the reality we want.

Self-mastery is critical for intentional manifestation, and that begins with mastering your thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts and, more importantly, our emotions, are the greatest windows into what we're in the process of manifesting at any given moment. By being emotionally aware and intentionally matching our feelings to the reality we want, we can start to manifest mindfully.

I hope this post helps you as you figure out the best ways to practice this in your own life.

Take care,



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