For just about every entrepreneur/ freelancer, business growth is a goal at some point or another. There is a desire to solidify your brand, grow your client list and increase your revenue. This is natural, and there are so many wonderful resources that can teach you to do just that. However, I believe the first step should be working on getting your mindset in the right place. This is critical because you can get all the marketing tips and tricks in the world, but if your mindset isn't where it should be, then it will all be in vain.
What do I mean by Mindset?
Your mindset is made up of your thoughts and beliefs, including your subconscious beliefs, about a subject. An easy way to think of your subconscious is 'you on autopilot'. What thoughts do you have when you're not thinking about it? Trippy, I know, but it's important to get a hold of because most of your situational outcomes will come about because of the subconscious beliefs you hold about that particular situation.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” -Carl Jung
A money mindset, therefore, is simply what thoughts and beliefs, conscious and subconscious, you hold about money. As a collective, humans have a lot of limiting beliefs about money. The majority of the world functions on a scarcity mindset- understandable because the majority of the world continually faces scarcity. However, the LOA teaches that you attract that which you believe, so believing that the world's resources are finite and there's hardly enough for everybody will produce circumstances that prove it so. You will manifest situations that reinforce that there isn't enough money, both in your life and in your business.
So, if you want to truly attract financial and business success, you need to believe in abundance. You need to believe that all the money you seek is available for you and that you can easily attain it. If that felt like a bit of a reach, it's a sign that you've brushed up (or hit hard) against one of your limiting money beliefs. Sit with that feeling and try to figure out why that statement 'all the money I seek is easily available to me' is difficult for you to accept. It is vital that you not only identify what limiting beliefs you might have about money, but that you also work to replace them with new beliefs that serve you.
Some limiting beliefs might be:
Money doesn't grow on trees.
Rich people are assholes.
More money, more problems.
Making money is hard.
Have you ever heard the saying 'You only accept the love you think you deserve?' Well, the same thing can be said about money. You only receive the money you believe you deserve. So if you want to grow your business, raise your prices, and receive the abundance that is meant for you-you have to know that you deserve it. You have to allow yourself to receive it. You have to get rid of all your limiting beliefs by reprogramming your subconscious mind with new beliefs that are abundance-oriented.
Some new beliefs would be:
I see money and signs of abundance everywhere, all the time.
Many rich people are wonderful and do amazing things for the world.
More money, more options.
Making money is easier than I thought, especially today. I see examples of people getting rich with ease all around me.
It won't be easy
Reprogramming your subconscious mind is no easy feat because you've spent your whole life creating the very beliefs you're now trying to change. You will encounter resistance. The important thing is to not give up. It's not easy but it's not impossible either, it just takes persistence. Create a routine around solidifying your new beliefs, maybe do a daily journal where you write out your new beliefs so you see them and engage with them continuously.
Visualize the new reality that these new beliefs create, and engage your feelings. Listen to podcasts of people who are successful and comfortable talking about money and practice talking about it in the same way, with the same ease. Look for evidence of the truth of these new beliefs. Look at the world in such a way that you see abundance everywhere, notice all the wealth you come across daily and let it excite you.
Money is energy.
We speak about money so often that it can be easy to forget that, at a basic level, money -like all things- is energy. It holds a certain vibration and if you can hold yourself at that same vibration, it will have no choice but to flow into your experience. Get very familiar with the frequency of money and check in on yourself throughout the day to see if you're holding that vibration. It may be easier to focus on the general feeling of abundance as a whole.
Abundance feels good. It feels like flow, like ease. It feels like options. It feels like fun. It feels like confidence and power. It feels like being taken care of. It feels like peace of mind. Feel that? That's the frequency you want to be at, that's how you want to feel on autopilot.
All the methods mentioned above (journaling, visualizing, etc.) will help you increase your vibration over time to match that of the abundance you seek, but what if you find yourself in a negative money-feeling moment and want to make an instant mental shift? This exercise is a quick and effective way to autocorrect by talking yourself into a better feeling state. Just sit quietly and begin to say the following to yourself (either out loud or in your head):
I affirm that I see abundance everywhere around me. Money is just another form of abundance, it's an aspect of it. I see money all around me. I’m surrounded by it. I love it and I invite it to flow into my life, to be my close friend and lifelong companion. I feel a deep sense of ease and flow about money. I know that it wants to come to me as much as I want it to come. It wants to flow into my life.
In my life, I have not always been good at attracting money and abundance into my experience. I give myself grace for this, I simply didn’t understand the energetic nature of money and I hadn’t uncovered the limiting beliefs I had around and about it. I know those now, and I’ve done the work to release them. I continue to do that work. I now know that money loves me, that it wants to flow to me. I know that it is fun and joyous to have. I know that it makes life better and easier.
I know that money is not a reflection of my character in any way. Money doesn’t make people good or bad, just rich or poor. I allow money to flow into my life in such a way that it makes me richer and richer continuously. I allow money to flow to me in fun, exciting and unpredictable ways. I also allow it to flow to me in planned ways. I feel good about money. I acknowledge that my money situation is reflecting the truth of my beliefs to me. And now as I step into my new beliefs, I know how my external world is going to change. I look for evidence of these changes.
Tweak the affirmations as you need to make them fit and be true for you, but the point is to elevate the way you're feeling in the moment. After saying this to yourself, you'll notice that you suddenly feel very positive about money and that is (very) important for manifesting. Not to mention, feeling good is its own reward because it just feels good. Wherever you are on your money mindset journey, know that you're doing good and keep going.
Keep your vibration high and I'll talk to you soon,